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Freedom2Connect Enters Day Two

Today is the second and final day of the F2C: Freedom to Connect 2007 Conference being held Washington, DC.  Produced by Berkman Alum David Isenberg, for four straight years F2C has gathered leaders in all realms relating to "Internet connectivity and all that it enables."

This year's conference examines Yochai Benkler's hypothesis that "lowering the capital requirements of information production

*reduces the value of proprietary strategies and makes public, shared information more important,
encourages a wider range of motivations to produce, thus demoting supply-and-demand from prime motivator to one-of-many, and
allows large-scale, cooperative information production efforts that were not possible before, from open-source software, to search engines and encyclopedias, to massively multi-player online games."

Berkman Fellow David Weinberger, who gave the reception keynote last night, has been blogging throughout the conference on his website.

The conference is also being webcast live until 5 pm tonight, when F2C adjourns until next year.