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RIAA Steps Up Pursuit of College Downloads

The Recording Industry Association of America announced yesterday that it will be sending 400 "pre-litigation" letters per month over the next year, for colleges to distribute to students that illegally downloaded music online. reports that "since late 2003, when entertainment companies began suing people for sharing large amounts of music (and eventually movies) over the Internet in violation of federal copyright law, the Recording Industry Association of America has filed about 1,000 of its 18,000 lawsuits against students."

Through the RIAA's latest effort 5,000 students will be offered the opportunity to settle their copyright infringement before the issue finds its way to the courtroom. 

Berkman Director Terry Fisher testified before Congress on the issue of college piracy last Fall and the Noank Media project, which he spearheaded, seeks to address just this issue.  Read more about how Noank Media plans to coordinate this effort.