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From Movable Type to Wireless Web

Harvard University's Neiman Foundation for Journalism has released "Goodbye Gutenberg," their Winter 2006 Issue of Neiman Reports. 

Exploring the ways in which the internet is changing news and prospecting the future of newspapers, "Goodbye Gutenberg" includes articles from a host of experts on the web frontier and newspaper arenas alike. 

Berkman fellows Ethan Zuckerman and Rebecca MacKinnon contributed "Gathering Voices to Share With a Worldwide Online" to the Report.  Writing on blogging worldwide and about their efforts with Global Voices Online, the non-profit global citizens’ media project they founded, Ethan and Rebecca say, "...we see in the global blogosphere the emergence of a new kind of media ecosystem, in which journalists, bloggers and creators of online citizen media increasingly coexist in beneficial and complementary ways."

Their insight joins the chorus in "Goodbye Gutenberg," which can be found in full over at The Neiman Foundation site