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Tools & Tips for Democracy

This past Monday, the Berkman Center and the Sunlight Foundation hosted a gathering to discuss and strategize about the role of the internet in political knowledge and democracy. A huge theme of the day was transparency and sharing of information. Many attendees represent nonprofits or independent blogs and websites helping to collect and distribute information about the political process - from Congressional perks and voting records to state and local governments. Others are working on collaborative tools to help local communities organize and debate community issues, or to help foster dialogues across political divides.

We've collected an H2O Playlist of the websites, resources, blogs and communities represented at the gathering. Check it out to find out where you can learn what's happening in your community, what's going on in Congress, and more.

You can read some reactions to the day's discussions in blog posts tagged "berkmansunlight." Get started at these great deep dive posts by John Palfrey and Ethan Zuckerman.