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Welcome Back!

The new year is upon us, and with it comes the Winter and Spring sessions at Harvard.  Berkman Center co-founders Charles Nesson and Jonathan Zittrain are both teaching courses over the Winter session; Professor Nesson is teaching Evidence, while Professor Zittrain is instructing Cyberlaw: Internet Points of Control before heading back over to the Oxford Internet Institute. In the Spring term, Berkman Center Executive Director John Palfrey will teach a seminar course called Internet, Law, and Politics, while Berkman Fellow and Clinical Co-Director Phil Malone instructs his own Antitrust, Technology, and Innovation seminar.  Finally, through the Extension School, Berkman Center Managing Director Colin Maclay and Berkman OpenNet Initiative Research Director Rob Faris will address Internet and Society: Technologies and Politics of Control.

While most of our courses these two terms are only available to Harvard Law School students, the Extension School course is open to anyone, with both in-person and distance learning options. The Evidence course also has an option for public participation through Second Life - see the Evidence wiki for more information. Cyberlaw also has a wiki where you can follow its syllabus, here.

A bustling semester is sure to be ahead.  If you are a interested in enrolling in any of the Spring courses, please consult the Law School registrar or the Extension School registrar. If you're a student looking to get involved with Berkman outside of class, please contact Catherine Bracy for internship and research opportunities.