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TIME Magazine is On To Something

TIME Magazine is telling the story of 2006:

"...for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME's Person of the Year for 2006 is you."

Berkman Fellow and Center for Citizen Media founder Dan Gillmor comments on the announcement, saying:

"The cover story and the supporting articles are a terrific bunch of pieces....But there’s a tiny bit of reality in the fact that the cover didn’t say 'Us' instead of 'You' — in part because it was a vestige of the magazine’s traditional, royal thinking wherein they told us everything they thought we needed to know...If the people of the year are all of you out there somewhere, that leaves 'we the deciders of what is news' still inside the gates."

There's pushback at the gates and the structure is changing, to be sure.  While they're still self-appointedly inside the gates, check out TIME's full set of articles

Meanwhile, Berkman Fellow David Weinberger has prepared a speech...