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Two Points

Despite his sabbatical, Lawrence Lessig has kept a mean schedule.  Founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society and Berkman affiliate, Professor Lessig has just released "Code v2", an updated version of his seminal book, "Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace."  True to form, "Code v2" came as a result of updates to the first book on a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licensed wiki and is itself now available in full online and is licensed in the same way.  Hard copies are available as well.

Meanwhile, on Creative Commons' fourth birthday, Professor Lessig made the announcement that while he was remaining the faithful CEO and a board member of CC, he was passing the Creative Commons Chairmanship torch over to Joi Ito.  "It was a real coup when I was able to convince him to join our Board. Joi’s whole ethic has been to build the sharing economy. That ethic of building is precisely where CC is going right now," Lessig writes over at the CC blog.  Laying the groundwork for his Charimanship focus, in his own blog Mr. Ito writes,

"...I'm jumping into the movement to try to help where I can and contribute to the leadership that Larry started. Larry remains fully committed as CEO. I'll try to give Larry more time to focus on his unique contributions to Creative Commons while I bring my own.  Creative Commons was and always will be a cultural and social movement which empowers people to share and promote free culture. In every way, it is 'the right thing to do.' However, Creative Commons has a new group of supporters. Many people now use Creative Commons because it makes business sense. The corporate world needs to hear this in a language they understand. I speak their language."