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The Velveteen Rabbi's Taste of Chanukah

Tradition is tradition, but it can most certainly be altered.  Rabbinic student, author and blogger Rachel Barenblat has been featured in The Boston Globe talking about her Asian-influenced Chanukah latkes and the role her blog plays in her religious studies.  Prepared with the recipe additions (originally wrangled by her husband, no-stanger-to-worldwide-tastes Berkman fellow and Global Voices co-founder Ethan Zuckerman), Rachel whipped up a batch of the cabbage, black sesame seeds and ginger infused potato pancakes for The Globe.

The article features a quote from one of Rachel's recent blogposts, sharing that "retellings of old stories can be like re-creations of old favorite recipes. An old classic changes when it's reinterpreted by different chefs (and more ordinary kitchen cooks with no formal training but a love of the art)."

Check Rachel's blog, The Velveteen Rabbi, and then go get your ingredients for a latke fryfest.