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The Global Voices Web

Just in time for their Delhi Summit, Global Voices has added a great new feature.  Utilizing the Google Co-op platform, the site now features the "Global Voices Web," a search engine that allows you to conduct a search within the 4,800 blogs in the worldwide Global Voices orbit.  As the regional editors around the world highlight blogposts from blogs on the list, you can now find the posts relevant to your own tailored queries as well.

Global Voices co-founder and Berkman fellow Ethan Zuckerman writes on his blog that:
"...The project is a very early beta for us - I’m sure there are sites in our index that aren’t blogs (which we’ll remove if you let us know) and there are certainly blogs we follow regularly that need to be added to the index...A future version will include all the sites we link to on GV, which should expand the collection quite a bit. And an even further off version will integrate with the giant aggregator we’ll be offering on the site next year, which will let you look at new posts from all the countries we cover, as well as offering suggestions for feeds we should be watching - the blogs covered by that aggregator will be the same blogs tracked by the search engine..."

The Global Voices Web rests pretty in yellow over at the Global Voices site.