Skip to the main content Report Release: Fake-Mailer, the Berkman Center and Oxford Internet Institute's consumer-oriented project that is working to find collaborative solutions to the badware problem, recently released a report on Fake-Mailer

Through their research, has determined that Fake-Mailer " badware because it installs a Trojan horse application and adware, and redirects invalid web addresses to a third-party page, all without informing the user or seeking their consent. It also claims to have no spyware, but is bundled with spyware components. In addition, both Fake-Mailer and its bundled applications are impossible for the average user to uninstall."

You can read the full Fake-Mailer report here.  

Reports like these have been possible by the leads and tips from internet users like you, and the StopBadware team appreciates all of your continued help.  They write:

"Fake-Mailer was brought to our attention by one of the users who posts on the StopBadware Google group. After testing the application, we were able to verify the badware behavior that the user had experienced and create a report to warn others.

This report is yet another example of how user support helps us be more effective in our attempts to increase awareness of potential threats that lurk on the internet and to help people make informed choices about their activities on the web. The StopBadware team appreciates all user input, leads, and feedback, and we’d love to encourage even more users to join in this effort. One of the ways that you can help is by sharing your experiences with badware or bad websites using our submission website."

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