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Dynamic Coalition on Privacy Launched

The International Governance Forum (IGF), taking place in Athens, Greece, is now in its last day.  Berkman fellow Mary Rundle and Net Dialogue, a joint project between The Berkman Center and Stanford Law School's Center for Internet & Society working to promote transparency and conversation concering the governance of the international Net, have been in attendance and have partnered with others in the new creation of a Dynamic Coalition on Privacy.

A press release on the announcement of the Coalition reads:
"...a diverse group of stakeholders has agreed to launch a Dynamic Coalition on Privacy, which will address emerging issues of internet privacy protection such as digital identities, the link between privacy and development, and the importance of privacy and anonymity for freedom of expression.

It will initiate an open process to further develop and clarify the public policy aspects of privacy in internet governance in the perspective of the next IGF meeting in Brazil in 2007. The group will use online collaboration tools as well as facilitate meetings at related events all over the world throughout the year.  Participants in Athens in particular agreed that there is a need for greater public participation in technical and legal standardizations that have a global public policy impact on privacy. They also emphasized that it is important to better include perspectives from developing countries in these processes."

Click here to read the full announcement and to learn more. 

To read transcripts of the main IGF sessions, check out the IGF website

To learn more about Net Dialogue, please visit their site.