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For a treat, check out PRX's Scream Stream

If you're hoping to greet Halloween with your wits about you, look no further than the Public Radio Exchange (PRX) to hear The Scream Stream, an eight hour dose of ghoulish tales that will take you in to the dark depths of the night.  PRX, a nonprofit marketplace for public radio content, serves as a platform for stations to acquire programming and as an outlet for producers to make their work accessible.

Do you think you can survive The Scream Stream?  Brought to you via streaming mp3s in a pop-up flash player, you may wish the glow of your computer illuminated your whole room.  If you’re not fully in the Halloween spirit, you can check out PRX to find other audio pieces by length, topic or format that will take you not into caverns and catacombs, but into the minds of essayists, on the campaign trail or with youth as they explore the world around them.