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Mark Frydenberg on "Podcasting and New Media in the Classroom"

Tuesday, October 3, at 12:30pm Eastern Time Mark Frydenberg will host a discussion about the educational uses of media as part of the Berkman Center's Tuesday Luncheon Series.  

After Frydenberg realized that most students weren't listening to his podcasts of course lectures, he asked students to create the podcasts instead.  Find out how student-created podcasts changed the learning process both inside and outside the classroom, and see examples of what is possible with some technical know-how, a web cam, and a bit of imagination. 

For more info, check out a MediaBerkman interview with Frydenberg.  

There are many ways you can join us:
* Listen to and watch the live webcast. (Note alternate URL for today's webcast only)
* Attend in virtual world, Second Life.
* Discuss with other participants and ask questions over IRC.