Skip to the main content Releases Reports, the Berkman Center and Oxford Internet Institute's consumer-oriented project that is working to find collaborative solutions to the badware problem, recently released two new reports. 

Through their research, has determined that WinAntiSpyware 2006 and WinAntiVirus 2006 "...both belong to that category of badware that is commonly known as "nagware" or "extortionware" -- software that makes exaggerated claims of system vulnerability to scare the user into purchasing the full version of the software.  Although both products exhibit some similar behaviors, WinAntiSpyware displays numerous pop-up "warnings" to persuade/nag the user into purchasing their software, while WinAntiVirus disables Windows Firewall without telling the user."

The full report on WinAntiSpyware 2006 can be found here and the full report on WinAntiVirus 2006 can be found here. All of's previous reports can be found here. Further, if you'd like to be notified of Berkman's outgoing research, please sign up for our report-release-list. plans to test and document many programs and applications and the coming year, and they are seeking interns and research assistants to join in their quest for badware.  If you're a student interested in joining the growing team, please contact Catherine Bracy.