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"Holiday Journalism": Zimbabwe

Berkman fellow Ethan Zuckerman recently spent four days in Harare, Zimbabwe.  Calling it "Holiday Journalism" under the series name "Holiday in Harare," Ethan has written a series of five blog posts that examine aspects of Zimbabwe's media and their problems regarding information suppression.  As well, they address issues of political and financial concern.  

In his fourth post, Ethan writes about the Interception of Communications Bill, a measure that's pending in Zimbabwe's parliament.  If passed, it would establish a government center for the interception of communications in the country.  Ethan writes:

But the mere introduction of the bill is already having an effect on Zimbabwean internet usage. Jim tells me that users are emailing him and asking “Is my email being monitored?” Specifically, users are worried about receiving information that could get them into trouble: news stories critical of the government and political jokes. They’re unsubscribing from mailing lists that provide Zimbabwean news from foreign sources, some of which might be considered illegal under Zimbabwe’s strict media laws.

You can read the rest of this post and the rest of the "Holiday in Harare" series here.  As well, you can see Ethan's photos from his trip here.