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Celebrate BlogDay 2006 with Global Voices

Bloggers around the world are preparing for upcoming BlogDay 2006. BlogDay participants will link to five blogs "preferably, Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude," in a blogosphere-wide effort to introduce people to new bloggers. 

Berkman fellow and Global Voices (GV) co-founder Rebecca MacKinnon is organizing GV bloggers to write about their relationship to blogging in advance of BlogDay:

In advance of that day, we at Global Voices would like to ask our community to help fellow bloggers in different countries get to know you better. We’re finding that people in different countries blog for different reasons, and that blogospheres in different places have developed different kinds of relationships with the rest of their culture, politics, and mainstream media. We’d like to help people understand you and your region’s blogosphere better. So if you have the time, please help us do this by writing a post (or several if you like) before August 31st, answering some or all of the following questions: Why did you start blogging? What do you blog about mainly? Do you blog in your first language or in another language, and why?....

Check back in with Global Voices August 31 to learn more about bloggers around the world.