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Stopbadware Development is a "Neighborhood Watch" campaign aimed at fighting badware that's run out of the Berkman Center, the Oxford Internet Institute, Consumer Reports Webwatch, along with the support of companies like Google, Sun, and Lenovo.

Over the last few months we've released reports documenting companies' badware. is now entering a new phase. Google -- which is one of our partners -- will present people with a warning before they visit websites that have been reported to as sites that distribute badware. These warnings currently link to a general page  on , but as we finish researching sites, we'll replace the general page with one of our individual website reports (see an example here).

Prof. John Palfrey, a Berkman Faculty Director for and the Berkman Center's Executive Director describes this development: "StopBadware is a neighborhood watch for the Internet.  Our goal is to tap into the wisdom of the Internet community and to use that wisdom to help people make better decisions about what they put on their computers.  Today, StopBadware is teaming with its partners to expand the reach of the program.  In addition to reviewing programs for badware, we are now reviewing web sites to determine whether they host badware.  We're actively seeking for the community's help in identifying sites that host badware and in reviewing those that come to our attention.  We hope the Internet community will join with us and others to put an end to the scourge of badware."