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AudioBerkman: Future of Digital Identity Management

The Berkman Center hosted Identity Mashup last week, a conference that explored the role of identity systems (tools that let users and merchants know whom to trust on the web) in furthering or inhibiting privacy, civil liberties and new forms of civic participation and commerce.

All the conference panels were recorded and are now available via AudioBerkman as pocasts:

* Conference introductions: John PalfreyJon Ramer; John Clippinger
* Panel I: "What you need to know about identity"
* Panel II: "Towards Open Identity and Security"
* Panel III: "Wild and Walled Gardens"
* Panel V: "Disruptive Technologies and Business Models"
* Day II: "Interoperability, Open Identity, and Identity Brokers"
* Day II: "Identity and Human Rights"
* Day II: "The Commons, Open APIs, Meshups, and Mashups"
* Day II: "Long Tail Markets, Social Commerce and Open Business Models"

If you've already listened to those, check out last week's Berkman Buzz for links to conference blogposts and presentations.