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Question of the Day

The New Independent asked in its publication today, "Who are the real winners now we've all gone Wiki-crazy?"

Online sources to which users add their expertise are transforming the way journalists go about research. And, report Ana Kronschnabel and Thomas Rawlings, it's a knowledge revolution that has hardly begun. Click here to keep reading.

A featured answer to the question comes from Berkman fellow David Weinberger:

But Dr David Weinberger, co-author of the influential guide to business online, The Cluetrain Manifesto and fellow at Harvard's Berkman Institute for Internet and Society, thinks this risk is a price worth paying. "Besides developing shared knowledge, complete with a history of how it was developed, wikis can demonstrate to organisations that frequently the best results come from limiting the control imposed."

If you'd like to hear more, check out Weinberger's blog "Joho the blog."