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Proposal Call out: Knight Brothers 21st Century Challenge

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation is calling out for proposals --

"The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation plans to seek people and organizations that will do in the 21st century what the Knight brothers’ newspapers did in the 20th century. Those newspapers helped define communities. They described the happenings and defined obstacles and opportunities. They created a sense of place by creating a shared experience. They did it with integrity and insight. They reached a mass audience, creating a critical mass of thinking and feeling. Their news was the glue that held communities together.....

We're looking for:
• New ways to understand news and act on it, including new ways to collect, prepare and distribute information, news and journalism that reveals hard-to-know facts, identifies common problems, clarifies community issues and points out practical courses of action;
• New ways for people to communicate interactively to better understand one another, to generate real passion in solving local problems and to share the know-how they need to improve their communities;
• New ways for people to use information, news and journalism to imagine their collective possibilities as communities, and to set and reach common community goals...."

Click here to read more.