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Today's Global Citizen Media

At the TechSoup NetSquared conference Democracy Now! hosted a roundtable discussion about technology's role in developing today's citizen media with Hong Eun-taek (editor-in-chief of, Ethan Zuckerman (Berkman fellow and co-founder of Global Voices), and Saori Fotenos (Reuters Digital Fellow at Stanford and founder/director of Vamos Blogar?).

You can listen to their discussion via Democracy Now! or, if you prefer text, you can read the transcript....

HONG EUN-TAEK: We launched our site six years ago with four full-time staff members and 727 citizen reporters, and it has grown into a big operation with actually 43,000 citizen reporters.
AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean “citizen reporters”?
HONG EUN-TAEK: Our statement is that everyone can be a reporter, so news stories can be written by citizens who are expert on their lives, so they can write about their lives and what they believe and what they want to see in the society.
AMY GOODMAN: And then, what happens? They submit it to OhmyNews, and what happens to it from there?

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