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Thank You

Over on the Beyond Broadcast (a conference co-hosted by the Berkman Center this past weekend), Dean Jansen writes:

Most conferences owe their audience a big thanks. We owe the attendees of Beyond Broadcast a bigger thanks. You not only engaged our panels and listened to our presentations, but you infused the conference with life. Some uploaded photos to the Flickr stream, others video to the Blip stream. Many joined us in person, while some streamed the conference over the Internet and interacted with the panelists using the question tool. Still more participants engaged Beyond Broadcast virtually through Second Life and IRC chat. After an exhausting and exhilarating first day, a large number of people returned for an entire second day of exploring the most pressing issues in our field of public and participatory media.

To continue reading, click here.

The Berkman Center joins Beyond Broadcast organizers in thanking conference participants - whether you chimed in via webcast, IRC, Second Life, ... - and looks forward to hosting you again in the future.