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Upcoming: OPML Camp

With the rapid rise of web-based outlining tool OPML, and the similarly popular and successful trend of community-led “unconferences” pioneered by BloggerCon and BarCamp, it's no surprise that fans of OPML have now created OPML Camp. To be held on May 20-21 at Harvard Law School, OPML Camp is free and open to as many people as the rooms will hold.

OPML is a web-based format that makes it easy to create structured outlines of RSS feeds and links to websites. Until recently, OPML was mostly used to manage RSS feeds and keep up with blogs, but several new tools have expanded use of OPML to include collectively managed outlines that span multiple websites. OPML Camp participants will discuss current tools and applications, and build wish lists for future development. There will be tutorials for OPML newbies, as well as advanced sessions for experts. You can learn more about OPML here, and register for OPML Camp on the Camp's blog.