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Beyond Broadcast Conference Sold Out

Even though our upcoming conference, "Beyond Broadcast: Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture," is sold out, there are still many ways you can participate virtually.

This Thursday and Friday the Berkman Center - along with the Center for Social Media, NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, the Project for Open Source Media, and the Center for Citizen Media - will take a close look at recent media developments - the impact of blogs, emerging technology and tools, and a strengthening participatory culture - and their impact on public media.

The conference will be webcast here. All coverage will be in the public domain and available for viewing, use, and mixing. For more info, check out

If you have questions of the panelists, you can submit them to our conference question tool. You can also vote on questions that you'd like to be asked.

If you plan on blogging the conference and your views on the future of public media, just tag them "BeyondBroadcast" on delicious for conference panelists and participants. A link to your blogpost will be streamed to the front of the Beyond Broadcast website. 

For conference updates, please keep checking