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Berkman Center Events This Week

This is a busy week at the Berkman Center. Please join us, either in-person or virtually!

Tuesday evening, 5/9, at 7pm, we're hosting a meetup dinner & brainstorming party to plan for OneWebDay.  OneWebDay is one day a year when we all - everyone around the physical globe - can celebrate the Web and what it means to us as individuals, organizations, and communities. It will be September 22 every year, starting in 2006, and now is the time to start planning. Please join us at John Harvard's Brew House to meet each other, learn about OneWebDay, and think up crazy, creative, fun, and educational ways to celebrate the internet. If you can join us, please let us know at the event wiki.

Friday and Saturday, 5/12-13, we're hosting the Beyond Broadcast conference. The conference will take a close look at recent media developments and their impact on public media. Emerging new media tools are challenging existing concepts of public broadcasting and community access channels. Traditionally billed as a counterbalance to commercial television, public broadcasting and community access channels exist to correct the one-to-many medium by providing access, local connections, diverse voices, and viewpoints alternative to the mainstream. New media tools in a way do just that – and more.  They allow individuals to create content, distribute to, and interact with communities all over the world.

As of 5/9, the conference is pre-registered to capacity. However, there are still opportunities to participate virtually! Beyond Broadcast will also be webcast live, and streamed into Berkman's new virtual conference center in Second Life. To learn more, see the Beyond Broadcast site.

To learn about Berkman Center events and conferences in advance, sign up here.