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Beyond Broadcast Conference Developments

On May 12th and 13th, the Berkman Center – along with the Center for Social Media, NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program, the Project for Open Source Media, and the Center for Citizen Media – is hosting “Beyond Broadcast: Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture."

The conference will take a close look at recent media developments and their impact on public media. Emerging new media tools are challenging existing concepts of public broadcasting and community access channels. Traditionally billed as a counterbalance to commercial television, public broadcasting and community access channels exist to correct the one-to-many medium by providing access, local connections, diverse voices, and viewpoints alternative to the mainstream. New media tools in a way do just that – and more.  They allow individuals to create content, distribute to, and interact with communities all over the world.

You can check out the Beyond Broadcast schedule here.  You can register here.

You can check out the latest Beyond Broadcast developments on the Beyond Broadcast blog. What's new?

* At Beyond Beta conference participants will have the opportunity to get a more in-depth look at panelist's demos.

* A showing of 'The War Tapes.' Journalist and Director Deborah Scranton chose to give hand-held camcorders to ten New Hampshire National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq instead of embedding herself.  Scranton will present her film at the conference.