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Podcasting Guide

Creative Commons just released its Podcasting Legal Guide: Rules for the Revolution. The Podcasting Legal Guide is modeled on the Electronic Frontier Foundation's well-respected Legal Guide for Bloggers.  Like EFF's guide, the Podcasting Legal Guide provides a useful summary, in plain English, of the complex body of laws that govern the use of copyrighted content. 

Larry Lessig writes in a foreword that, “my hope for this Guide . . . is that it will begin to make obvious what digital creators have been saying for some time - that it is time we update copyright law to the digital age. . . .  ‘Copyright law’ is essential in a digital age. But it ought to be a copyright law made for a digital age. Ours is not. And this fantastic Guide for those wanting to obey the rules should be evidence enough to convince anyone of that fact.”

Students from the Berkman Center's Clinical Program in Cyberlaw assisted Creative Commons in this effort and prepared portions of the Guide dealing with the use of music in podcasts. The Guide also includes a helpful list of resources for podcasters, ranging from technical overviews to useful software to ways to find "podsafe" content that may be freely used.

Berkman's Clinical Program in Cyberlaw provides pro-bono legal services to individuals, start-ups, non-profit groups, and government entities regarding cutting-edge issues of the Internet, new technology, and intellectual property.