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iCommons Summit 2006

The 2nd annual iCommons Summit will take place this year in the heart of free culture, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 23-25. With participation by commons communities from Creative Commons International, Wikipedia, Science Commons, Ubuntu, A2K and others.

The three-day program will have a mix of formal presentations, roundtable working groups, practical workshops and community-driven program slots that enable participants to gain strategic insights and practical techniques as well as play a critical role in shaping the emerging global commons movement.

The Summit is structured around three major themes:
* Tools. Developing effective, relevant tools to assist other creators, authors, scientists and researchers to develop and showcase their creativity and innovation.
* Policy. Strategies to ensure international, regional and local policy fora that are conducive to the development and nurturing of the commons.
* Practice. Learning from the experience of others to develop effective models for the development of open content in societies around the world.

Keynote speakers Gilberto Gil, Larry Lessig, Joi Ito, James Boyle and Jimmy Wales will inspire participants with a vision of a living, thriving commons. Members of the rapidly expanding iCommons community (over 70 countries at last launch) will showcase their ideas and invite participation in key projects.  This year's Summit is proving to be a must-attend for anyone engaged in the growth and development of the digital commons of the future.

For more information about the summit programme, how to contribute, registration forms and up-to-the-minute news about the event, please see