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What's Up With Knowledge?

Visit AudioBerkman and listen to "What's Up With Knowledge?", a podcast featuring Berkman Fellow, author, and blogger, David Weinberger. In this edition, excerpts from David's recent Tuesday Luncheon Series event discussing some of the ideas he's  exploring for a book he's writing on knowledge.

Make sure to also stay tuned for David's next Web of Ideas event, Messiness as a Virtue, on Wednesday, May 3, 2006. He writes, “It's been our assumption in  our Western tradition that a well-organized system is a neat system with a minimum of categories, lines and exceptions. But that assumption about systems of ideas seems to have been imported from how we arrange physical objects. As we digitize information and  knowledge, we are being freed for messiness. For example, the Web would not have succeeded had orderliness been a requirement, and complex data systems may be enriched by allowing items to be  probabilistically filed under multiple categories. What effect might this have on our view and use of knowledge? Is messy knowledge still  knowledge? Is messiness a reflection of reality, a reflection of our social engagement with reality, or just evidence of sloppy thinking? The debate rages on, surfacing in arguments about the role and nature of the Semantic Web, codes of ethics for bloggers, and the value of folksonomies.” Come join this open discussion, kicked off by David Weinberger.

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