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"Together, We Are Many"

On this edition of AudioBerkman, Zephyr Teachout  examines the Internet's transformative role in Eastern European politics. She explains, "Around the same time I was working on the Dean Campaign,, a Ukranian website, was building a powerful  citizen media network that would be part of changing their country  forever."

Produced by Benjamen Walker and drawing on interviews with political activists from the Ukraine and Estonia, the podcast emerged from Berkman's annual Internet & Politics conference, held last year at the Oxford Internet Institute and sponsored by eBay and the Omidyar Network. The event brought together academics, activists and policy-makers with a view to identifying new and exciting developments which challenge existing models of e-participation, while highlighting areas where policy and practice in Eastern Europe could be informed by – and inform -- research and experience from other parts of the world.

Having made our way from North America to Europe, we are hoping to continue the conversations later this year in South Asia -- in  nothing less than the world's largest democracy. More on that as it  happens...

Download the MP3 (time: 13:39)