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Community Talk

If you've got a question you'd like to ask the Berkman faculty and fellows, or if you've been puzzling over a recent event and would like some clarification, send in your questions to by this Friday, March 24.

One question will be selected and addressed by Berkman fellows and faculty in the next edition of the Filter (April 5th is date of next publication).  The Filter is Berkman's monthly newsletter and includes commentary on the last month's internet news, Berkman updates, links to conferences, articles, podcasts, audio, blogposts, and presentations, as well as a specific Global Voices monthly digest. You can check out last month's edition here.  The same edition also features an answer to last month's community question,  “Why is it OK to tape a song off the radio, but not the same song off a friend’s CD? Why is it ok to videotape a movie, but not to copy the movie from a friend or relative?”  Click here to take a look.