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Britt Blaser Guest Blog: Reaching an Open Source Society

This past Tuesday, Britt Blaser was our guest at our Tuesday luncheon series. We'll be posting our podcast of the lunch discussion to Audio Berkman early next week, so be sure to check for it on the Audio Berkman homepage or subscribe to the Audio Berkman feed. You can also read Britt's H2O Playlist of links relevant to his discussion topic, "Dean Done Right."

After the event, we asked Britt to reflect on the discussion and what new insights he could share. Here's what Britt sent us:

As I mentioned at the beginning of my comments at lunch, the best way to simplify your message is to sleep with Doc Searls the night before. I had a small epiphany last night while listening to Doc's side of a conversation about the best way to characterize the open source movement. 

"Open Source Software is an unprecedented explosion of productivity, with the demand side supplying itself," Doc said. 

We all know the reason for the quality: many eyes squash all bugs, people working in public seeking peer cred, etc. But I hadn't thought about why they're so productive. Then I realized it's because they never get bogged down with all the meta conversations that drag down Managerial Capitalism: "Who's paying for this?" "When do we get approval?" "Who gets credit for this?" Yada, yada. I wasn't really listening to Doc's conversation, but the "OSS" acronym started rolling around in my head. Open Source Software. What about an Open Source Society? Only the first exists, but we can imagine two OSS movements:

OSS1 = Open Source Software (a result, but also a movement)

OSS2 = Open Source Society (a dream that needs movement)

And they both need organizational tools. OSS1 has a perfect match of organizational needs and organizational tools because the developers wrote them as they became a movement. SourceForge and Trac are great examples. OSS1 wouldn't exist without the community's organizational tools. But there's more. OSS1 Developers use dozens of disparate tools and websites to organize their work:

Personal soapboxSet up a blog
Public Index of their interestsBlogroll
Interest profile - express their valuesTechnorati tags, etc.
Collaboration; Action RequestsSourceforge; Trac
Group content and community-formingDrupal; MySpace
Events & invitationsMeetup; eVite; WebDav calendaring
Dynamic news and thoughtsRSS aggregators

But the developers of OSS2, whose work we desperately need, to escape from the political specialists who've hijacked governance, don't behave like that. The OSS2 developers we seek to serve are ready and able to form groups and describe their pain and hopes. But, just like OSS1 developers, they need an organizing environment suitable to their skills: a collaboration mall with all the tools they might need as they become more engaged. 

Dance with the one who brung ya'

All the organizing capabilities must be on the  activist site that wants to energize its base. Unlike OSS1 developers, your people won't go use some other widget to achieve your goals on your behalf.

That simple truth is what has kept the Dean campaign from scaling past about 600,000 members. We at Open Resource Group feel that the collaboration mall we're rolling out over the next four weeks is the first campaign-in-a-box that's good enough to criticize. Better yet, our suite of tools is flexible enough to quickly improve.

And, we'll be sprinkling the OSS1 dust on it so we get some of that productivity that Doc brags about. Our first volunteer developer volunteered today at Berkman.