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Luncheon Series: Charles Nesson

Today (Jan. 24) we will webcast our luncheon series talk with Prof. Charles Nesson.  The luncheon series starts at 12:30pm and you can find the webcast here:

We will also host an IRC chat during the discussion - drop in and we'll take your questions from there.  irc://

Berkman Center founder and Harvard Law School Professor Charlie Nesson will discuss his Winter Term Evidence class's project on Jamaica, the Internet, and restorative justice. The class's project ties in to the Berkman Center's larger project in Jamaica, a long-term initiative toward rehabilitating countries hurt by globalization. The project's focus is work with the Jamaican corrections department and Roots FM Community Radio, using digital technology to improve rehabilitation programs for the Jamaican prisons and, more broadly, as an educational and developmental vehicle in that country. Prof. Nesson will be joined by some of his Evidence students.

Harvard Crimson Article "Carter Storms Law School"

Berkman Center Jamaica Project

Winter 2006 Evidence course wiki

Prof. Nesson's blog