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Playlists, Podcasting, And Other New Forms of Sharing

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Today Derek Slater, Berkman student fellow, and Mike McGuire, Gartner Research Director, released "Consumer Taste Sharing Is Driving the Online Music Business and Democratizing Culture," a report that documents the extent of peoples' use of consumer-to-consumer recommendation tools, like playlist sharing.  

Drawing from an early-adopter survey conducted through Gartner, Derek and Mike found that consumer-to-consumer recommendation tools, like playlists, enable consumers to actively present their individual tastes to each other and are becoming increasingly common.  According to survey results, nearly 20 percent of online music listeners reported listening to music via playlists at least five days a week.

To read the report, click here.  Want to learn more about playlists? Derek created a playlist of playlists using Berkman's H2O tool.

Both the Boston Globe and the Harvard Crimson covered the report and the growing importance of playlists. 

Derek Slater will lead a discussion about the report findings today at 12:30 pm as part of the Berkman Center's luncheon series.  If you would like to join us, we'll webcast the event here:   rtsp://  (Quicktime RTSP support is required.) We will host an IRC chat during the discussion - drop in and we'll take your questions from there.  irc://