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Microeconomics Goes Open Source

Creative Commons posts today that Caltech economics professor Preston McAfee has published a complete Introduction to Economic Analysis textbook under a Creative Commons license.  Why?

McAfee writesWhy open source? Academics do an enormous amount of work editing journals and writing articles and now publishers have broken an implicit contract with academics, in which we gave our time and they weren't too greedy. Sometimes articles cost $20 to download, and principles books regularly sell for over $100. They issue new editions frequently to kill off the used book market, and the rapidity of new editions contributes to errors and bloat. Moreover, textbooks have gotten dumb and dumber as publishers seek to satisfy the student who prefers to learn nothing. Many have gotten so dumb ("simplified") so as to be simply incorrect. And they want $100 for this schlock? Where is the attempt to show the students what economics is actually about, and how it actually works? Why aren't we trying to teach the students more, rather than less?  

To keep reading, please click here.  If you're a student, teacher, or professor of economics and would like to read or contribute to McAfee's draft, please see The Open Source Introduction to MicroEconomics.