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Cyberstrategy - Jamaica

Charles Nesson has a love and passion for Jamaica which have become the focal point of his professional work. Nesson, John Palfrey, John Deighton, Ethan Zuckerman, and three Harvard Law students recently went to Jamaica to participate in "Cyber Strategy for Caribbean Business Leaders," a conference organized by Nesson for the benefit of a program called SSET, which is operating in Kingston's prisons.

Those who went with Charlie blogged and audio-blogged their experiences and realizations -- please read them. There's Jackie Harlow's Journal, entry 1 and 2. There's also her audio blog posts with Alex Lee and Diane Lucas.  John Palfrey gives the overview: "It's made me (re-)think about how we define success in what we do. If we can declare victory where we're learning and teaching in innovative ways about our field of inquiry; taking some intellectual risks; creating networks; and stimulating thinking, the Jamaica project certainly fit the bill this week."

Or, you may want to start from the beginning with Ethan Zuckerman's blog post....  Charlie Nesson, founder of the Berkman Center, has a deep and abiding passion for Jamaica. He's been coming to the island nation for almost a decade, trying to figure out ways the Internet could help the nation's development. He met a young social entrepreneur, Kevin Wallen, who runs an extraordinary project called SSET - Student and Staff Expressing Truth - within the Jamaican corrections system. The program provides access to computers and media tools to inmates - students - so that they can both express themselves and create media that can have a life within and outside the prison walls, through a radio station that connects Kingston's prisons and, eventually, through the Internet.... (For the rest, go to Ethan's blog post)