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Afternoon Lecture Today: Tim Wu

The Berkman Center and the Center for Research on Computation and Society are co-hosting an afternoon lecture today by Tim Wu.  The lecture will be from 3-4:30pm in Langdell North on Harvard Law School's campus. A reception will follow at the Berkman Center.

Tim Wu will discuss his paper, "The Broadband Debate: A User's Guide."  From the paper: "I argue that neither deregulationists or openists should have reason to oppose Network Neutrality rules that create rights in users to use the applications or equipment of their choice. What both sides should want in an inevitable regulatory framework for broadband are rules that pre-commit both industry and government to open market entry. It must be remembered that rules creating rights in users also guarantee the right of operators to enter the application market, free of government hindrance. For these and other reasons discussed below, limited network neutrality rules should on reflection be attractive to both sides.

Tim Wu is currently a professor at Columbia Law School and a visiting professor at Stanford Law School.  Wu came to academia from the telecommunications industry, where he worked in international and domestic marketing. He has also been a fellow at the University of Toronto Law School, taught at the United Nations Development Program in Katmandu, Nepal and taught at Kyushu University in Fukoka, Japan. He is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

If you have questions about the event, please call the Berkman Center at (617) 495-7547.