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RSVP for next week's Luncheon Series Event

Our guest speaker for next week's luncheon series is Tom Steinberg of  Steinberg is coming to the Berkman Center to discuss UK's and its successes at solving collective action problems. was built by, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group in the UK. offers ways for people to volunteer, give money, or contribute with other people.  Tom Steinberg, the Director of MySociety, explains:

The way it works is simple. You create a pledge which has the basic format 'I'll do something, but only if other people will pledge to do the same thing'. For example, if you'd always want to organise a street party you could organise a pledge which said 'I'll hold a street party, but only if three people who live in my street will help me to run it.'  If you are a parent you could say that 'I will help run an after hours sports club but only if 5 other parents will commit one evening a week to doing it '. If you are in a band you could say 'I'll hold a gig but only if 40 people will come along'.

To RSVP for the event, please send us an email by Friday at noon.  The Berkman Center provides lunch. Space is limited. The Luncheon Series Event is held in the Berkman conference room, located at 1587 Mass Ave..