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Virtual Events Today at Berkman

11am EST: Global Voices will be hosting a live online chat to discuss the Reporters Without Borders Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents today at 11:00am NewYork / 15:00 GMT / 18:00 Cairo / 23:00Beijing.  Julien Pain, Internet director of Reporters Without Borders, plus several of the handbook’s contributors will be there to answer your questions and discuss your reactions.  For more information about the chat and how to access the IRC channel click here.

12:30pm EST: We will be webcasting today's luncheon series. Bill Ives will talk about the emergence and use of blogs, wikis, and other communications tools in the workplace.  For more information about Bill, the topic, or the luncheon series, visit our previous blog post.  The webcast URL,, will go live at 12:30.