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Fall 2005-06 Berkman-Related Cyberlaw Courses and Clinical Program

This semester's Harvard Law School curriculum includes two courses affiliated with the Berkman Center.  Copyright, taught by Berkman faculty director William Fisher, will meet Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 12:10 in the Vorenberg Room (formerly Langdell North).  Practical Lawyering and Internet Related Issues, a seminar taught by Berkman Clinical Program co-directors Bruce Keller, Jeffrey Cunard and Phillip Malone, will meet Thursdays from 2:50 to 4:50 in Hauser 101.  The Practical Lawyering seminar will use various Internet-related case studies drawn from recent, actual controversies involving issues such as intellectual property, speech, privacy, competition and other core Internet law themes. This seminar will condense and weave together a broad range of experiences students ultimately may encounter in the actual practice of law in this burgeoning area with the core doctrinal and theoretical principles of the relevant areas of law. Space is still available in the seminar; students considering attending the first meeting on September 8th should read the first week's assignments, available here.

This fall the Berkman Center Clinical Program in Cyberlaw will again enhance 2L and 3L HLS students' preparation for high-tech practice by providing them the opportunity to participate in a variety of real-world cases and projects involving litigation, client counseling, advocacy, legislation, transactional, and research and writing in the context of cutting-edge issues of law and the Internet, new technology, and intellectual property.  The fall Clinical Program currently has a waiting list, but interested students are encouraged to contact the Program's directors or the Office of Clinical Programs to add their names to that list as additional openings are likely.