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Global Voices Online: Site Relaunch!!

If you want to know what bloggers and podcasters around the world are talking about, check out

Global Voices Online is a non-profit global citizens’ media project, sponsored by and launched from the Berkman Center. At the project's core is a weblog authored by a growing community of international bloggers. Blogging communities are springing up around the world. Amidst the online cacophony, how do we find the most interesting blogs and citizens' media coming out of any given country? Global Voices aims to be your guide, moderator, and bridge to citizens media around the world.

In addition to the blog feature posts, check out the daily world blog roundups, listen to the podcasts, browse the world blogs aggregator, and help contribute to the project by adding links to the world blogs wiki index.

Co-founded by Berkman Fellows Rebecca MacKinnon and Ethan Zuckerman, the idea for Global Voices Online came out of a daylong international blogging workshop held on the sidelines of last December's Internet and Society conference. The Western mainstream media (especially the U.S. media) pays regular attention to only a fraction of the world's countries and people. The Global Voices community hopes to address this imbalance of media attention in two ways: First, by encouraging people around the world to talk about their lives, perspectives, and concerns in blogs, podcasts, v-logs and other forms of media. Second, by calling attention to the most compelling global voices so that more people around the world can hear what they have to say.

The Global Voices team is grateful to Berkman summer intern Paul Frankenstein for his hard work all summer, and to Boris Anthony of HelpPush for his brilliant work on the site's design and user interface. Naturally, none of this would be possible without the enthusiastic support of our fearless director John Palfrey and Prof. Charlie Nesson.