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Berkman Faculty Teaching at iLaw Eurasia

Fifty representatives from government, the private sector, and civil society in Eurasia have convened in Tallinn, Estonia this week for iLaw Eurasia, a five-day program about ICT policy. The eGovernance Academy Estonia, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the Advanced Network Research Group at the University of Cambridge, and the Open Society Institute have partnered with Berkman faculty Terry Fisher, John Palfrey, and Urs Gasserto create the program. Today, Rafal Rohozinski from the University of Cambridge explained the importance of information security in Eurasia. Rohozinski presented data about information wars and argued that most serious acts of cybercrime are not the result of hacking but of internal access -- "man in the middle" attacks. Tomorrow, Fisher, Palfrey, and Gasser will focus on Intellectual Property Rights and the relevance of new WIPO and EU treaties to Eurasian nations.