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The Internet & Politics -- Like Classics & Jazz?

In preparation for our conference, Votes, Bits & Bytes this week, we've released a Working Hypothesis about the way the internet has, and has not, altered politics in recent years. The Hypothesis, which was developed in a series of planning meetings for the conference, argues that the internet hasn't revolutionized politics, but it has created the potential for long-term change, both positive and negative. In 2004, the internet helped campaign organizers improvise and tailor their messages to local audiences. The Hypothesis speculates that the best model for campaigns might not be "a pure-play Internet strategy but rather a combination of 'classical' campaign tactics with the 'jazz' of these new Internet-enabled activities." Read the hypothesis, posted on and with the Conference Briefing Materials, and learn more about Votes, Bits & Bytes on the conference website. Visit the conference blog to comment on the document -- we welcome your feedback!