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Forum Debate: Dems v. Reps on eCampaigning

Next week, the Berkman Center hosts its bi-annual Internet & Society Conference, Votes, Bits & Bytes. The featured speakers at Thursday night's kick-off event have just been announced. Michael Turk, eCampaign Director for Bush-Cheney '04, will talk with Joe Trippi, former campaign manager for Howard Dean, about the effect of the Internet on politics and the way Democracts and Republicans used the web in 2004. Kathleen Matthews, news anchor and Fellow at the Institute of Politics, will moderate. The event will take place at 6pm on Thursday, December 9, in the John F. Kennedy Forum at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Register to attend all three days of Votes, Bits & Bytes now. Attendance is free, but only a few spots remain.