More from Moore on the "Second Superpower"
Berkman Fellow Jim Moore, who made quite a splash not long ago with his essay, The Second Superpower, offers new observations today about how weblogs could "lead the way" in building new institutions to challenge the old.
I think cyberspace has four big levels, not just three, where the fight to keep cyberspace open and free is being joined. At the infrastructure level we fight monopoly telcos and software companies and we strive for open networks and spectrum. At the "constitutional" level friends like Larry Lessig and Jonathan Zittrain hammer away at maintaining basic freedoms. And at the application level you and others create blogging software and the whole meta-domain of community formation tools, as well as the standards to allow this rich ecosystem of technology to continue to co-evolve. These tools and standards provide a dramatically effective environment for individual and community empowerment. And finally, the action is really heating up at the--what shall we call it?--the level of establishing new institutions that challenge the old order institutions of the meat world. Perhaps we could call this the "institution level."
Moore will be among those participating at the Berkman Center's forthcoming BloggerCon conference.