Archived Biography: Colin Rhinesmith is a Digital Media Producer for the Berkman Center. He produces a weekly podcast for the Citizen Media Law Project.
Colin joined the Berkman Center as Staff Assistant in 2005. He has provided support to Beyond Broadcast, Identity Mashup, Wikimania 2006 and the Center for Citizen Media "Un-Conference". More recently, Colin provided digital media production and distribution support to CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion, the Clinical Program in Cyberlaw and Internet & Society 2007.
Colin's volunteer activities include serving on the Boards of Directors for Cambridge Community Television and the Action Coalition for Media Education. He is a member of the Alliance for Community Media and the National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture.
In September 2005, Colin received his B.A. (magna cum laude) in Visual and Media Arts with a major in Media Studies from Emerson College.
In September 2006, Colin returned to Emerson to begin his M.A. in Media Arts with a focus on digital media and culture, while continuing his responsibilites at the Berkman Center on a part-time basis.
(Photo by andycarvin and licensed under Creative Commons.)