Luis Villa was a 'senior geek in residence' at the Berkman, working on a variety of software projects, including the h2o project, stopbadware.org, and internal tools. Prior to that, he was at Ximian and Novell, working on Linux-based desktop projects with global teams of hackers. His projects included the Evolution PIM, the GNOME 2.0 release (in collaboration with Sun), and the Ximian and Novell Linux Desktops.
Luis is currently getting a JD at Columbia Law School.
Outside of the Berkman Center, Luis remains involved in Free Software, serving on the GNOME Foundation's Board of Directors and the Fedora Project's Advisory Board.
Luis's undergraduate education was at Duke University, where he majored in political science and computer science (neither of which are a science, of course.) While at Duke, Luis attended over one hundred basketball games while wearing a devil mask, and co-authored Extreme Mindstorms: An Advanced Guide To Lego Mindstorms.
The rest of Luis's life can be found at tieguy.org, including his blog, talks, and photo albums.
H2O: Communities Built Around Ideas
StopBadware: Regaining Control of Our Computers