March 28: Storytelling, Migration Journeys, and Technology — Photo Exhibit
Unregulated AI technology in refugee camps and at borders is changing the course of people's lives. This pop-up exhibit hosted by BKC and supported by the National Geographic Society asks the audience to consider and evaluate the human cost of an increasingly automated world.
What does it mean to a person’s human journey, and their humanity, when the person who was once tasked with making a determination about their ability to join and live in a society is replaced by AI? What conclusions does this global shift point to? The exhibit will explore these tensions at the intersection of visual storytelling, migration journeys, and technology.
The world premiere of this exhibit is hosted by Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center. Photographer Kenya-Jade Pinto and BKC Fellow Petra Molnar will reflect on years of interdisciplinary work at the world’s borders, bridging visual storytelling with research and advocacy on the sharpest edges of technological development.
Opening remarks will start at 5:30PM ET followed by an casual reception with light refreshment.
Kenya-Jade Pinto, Filmmaker + Photographer, National Geographic Explorer
Petra Molnar, 2022-2023 BKC Fellow
Background reading and additional resources:
(2020). Technological Testing Grounds: Migration Management Experiments and Reflections from the Ground Up. Petra Molnar. EDRi (European Digital Rights) and York University. Available at https://edri.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Technological-Testing-Grounds.pdf
(2020). Surveillance on the seas: Europe’s new Migration Pact. Kenya-Jade Pinto and Petra Molnar. 29 September 2020. Euractiv. https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/opinion/surveillance-on-the-seas-europes-new-migration-pact/
(2022). “Territorial and Digital Borders and Migrant Vulnerability Under a Pandemic Crisis.” Petra Molnar. In Migration and Pandemics Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception. Edited by Anna Triandafyllidou. IMISCOE Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-81210-2_3
Featured photo courtesy of Kenya-Jade Pinto.