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Privacy in a world of IoT, self driving cars, and a climate crisis

Privacy in a world of IoT, self driving cars, and a climate crisis

with Robin Chase

Tuesday, November 24, 2015, at 12:00 pm
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

Harvard Law School Campus, Wasserstein Hall, Room 1023

Based on her experience as cofounder of Zipcar and Veniam (building a dynamic communications network for the Internet of moving things), Robin Chase will lay out a near term future where communications and software platforms will deliver us smart cities, smart homes, and ubiquitous clean low cost shared transport. On the one hand we have an environmental imperative to get co2 emissions under control, use assets efficiently, deliver thriving sustainable cities. On the other hand, at what cost to privacy? Let's have a solid discussion about how we can create a future that we both need and want.

About Robin

Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the largest carsharing company in the world; Buzzcar, a peer to peer carsharing service in France (now merged with Drivy); and GoLoco, an online ridesharing community. She is also co-founder and Executive Chairman of Veniam, a vehicle communications company building the networking fabric for the Internet of Moving Things. Her recent books is Peers Inc: How People and Platforms are Inventing the Collaborative Economy and Reinventing Capitalism.

She is on the Boards of Veniam, the World Resources Institute, and Tucows. She also served on the board of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the National Advisory Council for Innovation & Entrepreneurship for the US Department of Commerce, the Intelligent Transportations Systems Program Advisory Committee for the US Department of Transportation, the OECD’s International Transport Forum Advisory Board, the Massachusetts Governor’s Transportation Transition Working Group, and Boston Mayor’s Wireless Task Force.

Robin lectures widely, has been frequently featured in the major media, and has received many awards in the areas of innovation, design, and environment, including Time 100 Most Influential People, Fast Company Fast 50 Innovators, and BusinessWeek Top 10 Designers. Robin graduated from Wellesley College and MIT's Sloan School of Management, was a Harvard University Loeb Fellow, and received an honorary Doctorate of Design from the Illinois Institute of Technology. 


About the Privacy Series
In the fall of 2015, the Berkman Center decided to further surface and highlight our work ongoing work on privacy through the launch of a Berkman Privacy Series, a collection of talks, papers, and other activities, both current and past, that seek to explore and address the increasing concerns about Big Data, which have focused national and international attention on questions of online privacy. Not all of our privacy work is collected in this list, but our hope is that this limited selection, including the future events listed, will serve to increase awareness, foster discussion, and help explore alternative mechanisms for balancing user privacy with the potential benefits of Big Data.


Past Event
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM