Cinderella or Cyberella: Empowering Women in the Knowledge Society
Nancy Hafkin
Nancy Hafkin led a discussion about the women's empowerment in the face of information and technology developments.
Nancy Hafkin is a leading scholar on gender and information technology, and she spoke about the possibilities for Cinderellas and Cyberellas in the 21st century. Cyberella is fluent in the uses of technology, comfortable using and designing computer technology, and working in virtual spaces. Cinderella works in the basement of the knowledge society with little opportunity to reap its benefits. How will we work to support and cultivate Cyberellas, women who not only use the internet but are crucial in design and development phases as well? Ms. Hafkin has compiled the tales of Cinderella or Cyberella in a new book.
Berkman fellow Ethan Zuckerman writes about the discussion at his blog, and an MP3 of the talk is available at MediaBerkman.